Looking for a high security sliding patio door lock where the key heads don’t keep accidentally being snapped off?

You come to a professional Master Locksmiths Association (MLA) licensed locksmith for the correct advice. We are fully qualified and up to date with our CPD points with the association to make sure you get nothing but the best.

This customer was looking to exchange the locking system they they had become extremely frustrated with, they already had Brisant-Secure’s WXM on a entrance door, so we advised they use the Ultion 3 Star on the patio doors with folding key heads.

These locks were suited and installed around the building within days of ordering. Some locks on the market ‘meet’ the standards. Some ‘exceed’ the standards. Ultion locks exceed the standards especially when it comes to dril and snap protection. These locks are tuff! A nice upgrade for this customer.

Looking to upgrade your existing locks? Or moved into a new property and looking to replace with something special?

HalesLocks Ltd is the company to turn to in the Sidcup, Bexley & Kent areas.

Professional, genuinely local and well established in the area. Please take you time when choosing a locksmith, don’t be fooled by fancy websites or false claims.

Don’t be fooled by other claims. You can only become an approved company with the master locksmiths association by passing their exam.

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